For example, Panasonic provides the Wireless Projector app for Android and iOS devices which enables displaying images, PDF, PowerPoint, Word and Excel files via an Android device to a Panasonic projector. The app requires a Wi-Fi connection to display content from Android devices to a supported projector.
PPT - Android networking PowerPoint Presentation - ID:1982905 Android networking. Network programming with Android. If your Android is connected to a WIFI, you can connect to servers using the usual Java API, like Sockets Low level, general URLConnection Higher level HttpURLConnection Higher level… PPT - Android Introduction PowerPoint Presentation - ID:918933 Hello Socket Programming TCP and UDP. Android Introduction. Goal. Convert the Java Socket Programming Project to Android. Text input from the user – sent to the same server(s) as before. PPT - Android Permission PowerPoint Presentation - ID:2385773 Android Permission. Presenter: Zhengyang Qu. Roadmap. Background Related Topics VetDroid Whyper Conclusion. Background. In Android, API allows the access to security-sensitive resource (e.g., location, address book).
Contrôlez votre présentation avec votre téléphone ... Android est aujourd'hui le système le plus utilisé au monde. Il s'avère en effet que les téléphones, les tablettes et autres appareils embarquant le système d'exploitation de Google se vendent en masse. Évident alors qu'il dispose de quelques applications permettant un contrôle de PowerPoint. Android ppt - Contents History Introduction of android Android versions Android architecture Security Features of android Advantages of android Disadvantage of android Conclusion 2. The Best Presentation Apps for Android | Presentation Guru
Presentation | Android Developers